About: Classic4 Status Plus - Web Monitoring

Classic4 Status Plus Web based motoring Is achieved with JavaScript.

When 'Make a  Data Web Page' is Checked in 'Classic4 Status Plus' Programs 'Basic Settings'
 The Program generates a Simple JavaScript  File 'alldata.js'.
Some web development experience is Necessary to make your own Web Page, 'Web Server Not Included'

The file '"C:/ClassicWebPage/jsdata/alldata.js"' contains only 9 js Arrays representing the the Nine possible devices that can be monitored,
see Above Menu:'Help And Info for Making Your Own Web Pages' - 'Help-List Of Js DeviceRegester fields.'

A second JavaScript file ' C:/ClassicWebPage/labels.js' this file contains the labels for all the device fields, this file can be edited  to represent your field titles you wish for each field.

To Use the above js files in a web page along with CSS formatting, located in 'C:/ClassicWebPage/cssdevices/databoxs.css' .  Is simply done using the following code.
*(Name) = Text Holder gets Written over with document.getElementById script

 "<div class="BoxGenericTp" style="position: absolute; left: 94px; top: 470px; height: 30px; ">
    <p id="Pv1Volt">*Pv1Volt</p>

 And then to get the, title label and data.

<script>document.getElementById("Pv1Volt").innerHTML = (CL1Labels[1]) + '<BR>' +   (CL1RData[1]) ;</script>

  To move the text around the page simply adjust the " left: 94px; top: 470px; " in the source code.

The result Is:



To make your Own web page, use "BlankTemplet.htm" copy it and rename it. It contains all the header info needed to get started.

Or make a copy of a demo page and rename, and make edits.

Then Point your Web Server to "C:/ClassicWebPage/" , Or If not C:/ Then (SYSTEMROOT Drive)/ClassicWebPage/

Do not Edit The Demo/Help In The "(Program Install Directory)/ClassicWebPage/" Directory.
There Are Duplicate Files in the "C:/ClassicWebPage/" Directory, For your Use.

Also see Above Menu 'Web Demo Pages' for a few examples.