ZIP file of all info here, Mods for converting GE Master Executive II,
This modification is not perfect but it keeps the
cost down to a reasonable price. It also
works well
RF pre-selector. .#1 Remove c7 , c8 , c9 , c10 Replace with 15pf NPO disks #2 Remove r3 Replace with 18k #3 Remove L301 , L302 Remove three turns from
each, "from c301,c302 end". reinstall. IF mixer #1 Remove` c503 replace with 15 pf disc. Changes in receiver allow for low side injection rather than high. Keep in mind when ordering xtals. Receive Crystal Formula Crystal Freq. = (operating freq. -11.2 Mc.)/3 example 52,525 13.775 Mc. ( 52.525 - 11.2 )/3 Multiplier Board Rec. #1 Remove C 412 replace with 24 pf disc.
Exciter #1 Remove c126 & c129 replace with 30pf NPO disk #2 Remove c131 & c134 replace with 12pf NPO disk #3 Remove c136 & c139 replace with 1.3pf NPO disk (1pf OK) #4 swap c142 with c143, C142=82pf, C143=68pf #5 Remove 11 turns from L101 & L102 ( be
careful wire very small, I have removed as many as 13 turns due to wire
breaking and it still works fine.) Amp #1 Remove c8,c10,c11.c12,c19,c31 replace all with 220pf dipped mica 500v #2 Remove c20 & c16 replace with 30pf or 33pf disks #3 Remove c9 replace with 56pf disk #4 Remove c25 & c26 replace with 47pf disks #5 Remove c23 do not replace #6 Remove c30 replace with 150-160pf dipped mica 500v #7 Remove R4,R6,R7 replace with (3)- 1.2 ohm 1/2
watt carbon Filter #1 spread L2 & L3 for max. power out. Thanks to Colby W1WL for his help and use of test equipment Karl N1GNN March/10/1998 (Colby W. Lufkin W1WL Silent Key 10-10-2006) Note: added June 2016 _
* not needed if you reuse parts removed from radio (**) for exciter c142 & c143 if you wish to
use new capacitors details for PA original new 36-42mc. 52mc. C7 = 220pf C7 = 220pf no change C8 = 270pf C8 = 220pf C9 = 100pf C9 = 57pf C10= 270pf C10= 220pf C11= 270pf C11= 220pf C12= 270pf c12= 220pf C13= 220pf C13= 220pf no change c16= 47pf C16= 30pf C20= 47pf C20= 30pf C19= 270pf c19= 220pf C21= 270pf C21= 270pf no change C22= 270pf C22= 270pf no change C23= 270pf C23= 270pf no change C24= 270pf C24= 0pf remove C25= 100pf C25= 47pf C26= 100pf C26= 47pf C29= 430pf C29= 430pf no change C31= 430pf C31= 220pf C30= 220pf C30= 150pf ............................. Karl N1GNN March/10/1998
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